133 results total, viewing 61 - 80
The release of Salman Rushdie’s new memoir , “Knife: Meditations after an attempted murder,” is a message in itself: The assassination attempt that sought to silence him has instead … more
When President Joe Biden signed the proclamation marking the first Thursday of May as our national day of prayer, know that it was not for tradition and had nothing to do with his own Catholic faith: … more
Although the Federal Trade Commission voted to ban non-compete agreements nationwide this week, the argument is far from over. The commissioners voted 3-2 Tuesday to strike down most … more
Enjoy your youth. Because when you get older it’s gonna hurt. Case in point, I've just had a full knee replacement. When I first started having knee issues my doctor suggested I … more
Back pain. If you’ve ever experienced it, you know how debilitating it can be. It can affect everything you do, even the smallest movements, and can appear without warning or with no obvious … more
While mental illness isn’t a crime, it’s also not a permission slip to excuse crimes. Yet that’s what happens in New Mexico once a defendant has been found by the court to be … more
Imagine being hired by a city to serve as a business liaison, someone charged with providing information to business owners about regulations, laws, programs and services available to them, city … more
New Mexico State University provides a wide range of opportunities for students to enhance their disciplinary knowledge and transferable skills in graduate education through graduate certificates, … more
On my first day working at a psychiatric hospital, the head doctor compulsively laid this cutie on me: “Do you know how many California shrinks it takes to change a light bulb?” … more
During the Las Cruces International Film Festival, I missed out on shaking Ron Perlman’s hand because I was carried away in conversation. It is rare to encounter a capable … more
Everybody wants to start at the top.  And so, of course the deep-pocketed investors behind the attempt to build a centrist third party under the No Labels banner started with a presidential … more
With the governor’s signing of a new law updating the state’s high school curriculum, New Mexico families now have a prime opportunity to shape local high school course requirements in a … more
Recently Merriam-Webster declared that English sentences may end with prepositions – a bit redundant since, there was never an actual rule against ending sentences with prepositions but, much … more
The capital outlay bill passed by the Legislature this year provides just under $290 million for 136 projects throughout the state, including $20 million for steam tunnel and electrical … more
I was five years old when I cast my first vote -- and learned a few hard truths about democratic participation. It was the 2000 presidential election. George W. Bush was challenging Vice … more
MountainView Regional Medical Center is proud to be your community healthcare provider. more
The Open Meetings Act is an easy law to break, which means promoting its importance and calling out violations is a responsibility of citizens, journalists, organizations like the New Mexico … more
If Benjamin Franklin was right when he said virtue and a trade are a child’s best portion, succeeding generations of Americans have neglected at least part of that birthright. Mass … more
In its basic form, intellectual property has been protected under the U.S. Constitution in Title 17 of the U.S. Code, Section 102(a), that ensures protection for “original works of authorship … more
A film festival is a little bit like a film itself, in that the first thing to get our attention is usually the stars. Ron Perlman, who I remember for his role as the crusty but wily leader of … more
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