Arts Exposure

Gallery Turns 10

Béffort provides space for art play


a)s p..."A"© e  Studio•Art•Gallery turns 10 years old on Oct. 9. An Art Party Celebr"A"tion will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Friday Oct. 11 at the gallery which is located at 110 West 7th St. in Silver City.

Founded by collage and assemblage sculpture artist jean-robert p. béffort, the gallery venue is a 4,000 sq. ft, multipurpose and multi-dimensional alternative and interactive SPACE which features out-of-the-box local artists, intermittent music, poetry, theater and dance performances, art shows/openings, art installations, studio space, community events and workshops.

It is its own unique holographic universe masquerading as "A" living art museum with constantly evolving layers being applied over time.

An innovative and interactive DIY component is "A" public art area where visitors are invited to make their own assemblage sculptures. or "totems," from found and recycled objects in the Art-on-"A"-Stick creation space dubbed "The Land of Empowerment."

Here are 10 quotes, one for each year that has kept the lights on over the years, the first six by the artist's own guiding philosophy and the others which are credited.

"Art is my Religion"

"Chop wood, Tread water, Make art",

"In Art we Trust"

"Art is the Heart of Beauty"

"I AM more than the sum of my parts"

"...two thirds of the art world is fashion and the rest is graphic design..."

"Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense: The Creative Act." – Kenneth Rexroth

“How many times do we have to wake up in this comic book and plant flowers? – Rodriquez 

"Let The Beauty We Love Be What We Do" – Rumi

"Never Give Up, Never Surrender" – Galaxy Quest (the movie)

Open Fri (9-3), Sat (10-5), Sun (11-4) or by appointment. 575-538-3333.